

Sparky hails from Erie, Colorado. After graduation he formed a band with 3 friends even though none of them could play an instrument. Knowing that his roommates would clamour to be the lead-guitarist or singer, he opted for the bass (which, by the way, came from the pages of a Sears catalog). He later joined the Air Force and served in Berlin, Germany. He spent some time 4 levels below the surface practicing in the cellars of an old German WWII airport called Templehof (we think he developed his dark side there). Mark is the quiet killer of the band...demented, yet positive and focused on what he wants to play and hear. Old cassettes of Iron Maiden, early Metallica, Anthrax, and Slayer helped him shape his own style.

sci-fi fan, hiking/camping, driving to santaquin, movies, horsey, wanna-be entrepreneur, closet chef.
Steve Harris, Rachmaninoff, Cliff Burton, Steve Falagrady, Steve Mesple, Lou Costello
Past Lives:
William Wallace
Favorite Food:
shrimp flavored ramen, bagel dogs
Favorite Saying:
Don't do anything you'll regret, don't regret anything you do.
Favorite Saying II: